The Amazing Transformation of William
“Sonny” Fletcher
By John M. Hagedorn
Outta all the stuff I been
through, I been shot and everything, left for dead and all this, it’s time for
me to give something back and I’m doing it and I feel good about it.
From the streets to the prisons and back to the streets. But now he isn’t
robbing people — he’s helping them.
Born in 1957, his family was one of the first
black families to move to Lawndale in 1960.
They owned the “Thirteen Ten Club” on Kedzie. As he grew up he watched
the Vice Lords as they transformed from a street gang into a group that helped
the community. He explains how the Vice Lords worked back then:
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William "Sonny" Fletcher |
…say that they snatched
somebody’s purse …if Mrs. Johnson came up on the corner and told one of the
guys “I know who did it my purse got snatched” call the police? We’ll go get him and we’ll come up with the
purse and mostly all the belongings maybe a little money be gone ‘cause drugs wasn’t
that bad back then and we would deal with ‘em, you know what I’m sayin? We’ll rough him up, where they know not to do
it no more… I mean Vice Lords did a lot,
they paid some peoples rent… They had
buildings where people could stay in…..if you needed help they would help.
But Mayor
Daley and his cops came down hard on the Vice Lords, cutting off funds for
their programs and jailing Bobby Gore and other leaders.
…here’s a group of Black guys
that trying to get together on something positive and you wanna destroy it, instead
of saying “hey they doing something pretty good over there lets go over and
talk to these guys and see what they doing?
joined the Renegade Vice Lords and became a terror on the streets. He went to
prison for the first time at 17:
Altogether I was incarcerated
nine times. I was just looking at it the
other day and it was about 29 years altogether off and on.
He was
a bright kid who fell under the lure of dope but gained a reputation in the
prisons as someone to talk to, who would help with the law and getting along in
prison. Then when he was released in 1981 he met Bobby Gore who was working at the
Safer Foundation. He said he was Bobby’s “first success story.” Bobby told him:
“what are you doing here?” (I
said) I just come home man- Im trying to
do something. So he said “look- don’t bullshit me, you want a job, you
got a high school diploma.” I said
yeah I been going to college in the joint.
He said “I can get you a job
Sonny got that job at a gas station and within a month
he was the manager. Today he works at St. Leonard’s, counseling younger men
released from prison, leading them on a path away from crime. He has some
strong, but simple advice:
But the young guys, they see
me. I’m talking ‘bout, they used to call
me Mr. Buzzard. I was a rough cat, anything
goes. Now I’m a substance abuse
counselor. When they say to me “Man, you
don’t even come around no more, you don’t do this.” I say “I come around. When now when I come around.. you’ll say “what
a transformation. No more robbing, no more dope.” They ask me for money, but I’m not giving you
any money to go out and kill yourself, I’m sorry. “But you used to.” I say “yes, think what you’re saying, I used
to do a lot of things, I don’t do that anymore.” And I try to explain to ‘em that doing what
they doin’ now is easy. Doing the right
thing is hard.
You can still find William Fletcher at 16th
& Lawndale. But now he isn’t robbing people but collecting food donations
and sponsoring free meals. He’s organizing programs for summer jobs. His plans include a social center in an
abandoned building in the center of the “Holy City.” He has found redemption in serving his
community. He’s doing the right thing
and it ain’t hard no more.
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